December 17, 2023
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Instructions for faculty on commencement day

If you plan to participate in the commencement ceremony, please follow these instructions.

On commencement day, faculty registered to march in the processional should enter through one of the entrances on the east side of the Schottenstein Center. Take the elevator directly across from section 101 (in the southeast corner near the Lane Avenue and Olentangy River Road intersection) down to the arena level where the faculty will robe and assemble for the processional. Please plan to arrive no later than 1:30 PM.

Faculty who plan to hood a PhD candidate during the ceremony should also contact the Graduate School at 614-292-6031 by Friday, December 1, for further assembly and hooding instructions.

As a courtesy to all graduates, we ask that all participating faculty remain for the entire ceremony.

Autumn Commencement 2023

December 17, 2023
Schottenstein Center