Ceremony details
1 Time, duration and tickets
The ceremony begins at 12 p.m. and will last approximately 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Tickets are not required for guests of the spring commencement ceremony. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.
2 Graduates of spring semester only
Participation in the ceremony is reserved for graduates of spring semester only. Graduates who have elected to participate in the commencement ceremony should remain for the entire ceremony.
3 Listen for cues
The President, Provost, and cadet marshals will provide directions to graduates throughout the course of the ceremony. Please listen carefully to their signals.
4 Please be respectful
As a courtesy to all those attending commencement, graduates and guests are asked to refrain from using horns and other noisemakers during the ceremony.
The Prelude
The Processional
National Anthem and Invocation
Commencement Address
Given by:
- To be announced
Conferring of Honors
Honorary Degree:
Distinguished Service Award:
Conferring of the PhD
Conferring of Other Degrees
Singing of "Carmen Ohio"
Awarding of Diplomas and Recessional**
**A note about diploma issues: While every effort will be made to ensure that each graduate will receive the correct diploma during the ceremony, if they do not, the graduate should go to 281 West Lane Avenue, first floor, the week following the ceremony.
A graduate may receive a letter instead of a diploma at commencement for one of two reasons:
- The graduate has a "hold" on their record and should follow the instructions received for resolving the hold
- The processing and certification of the degree requirements was incomplete as of 12 p.m. on Saturday, May 3, 3025, and the university cannot release the diploma without additional action on the graduate's part.
Questions about academic eligibility to receive a diploma must be referred to the college office or academic unit, which may be contacted on the Monday following commencement. Once degree certification questions are resolved, contact the Student Service Center at 614-292-0300 or ssc@osu.edu about claiming the diploma, and be sure to explain that a letter was received instead of a diploma at commencement.
If a graduate notices a spelling error in the name on the diploma after commencement day, follow the instructions for a diploma correction.