Inclement Weather
If commencement cannot be held in Ohio Stadium due to inclement weather, the ceremony must be canceled. No indoor facility on campus can accommodate the graduating class and 60,000 guests. Every reasonable effort will be made to hold commencement as planned.
If it is raining or rain is forecast on commencement day, graduates and guests should come prepared with appropriate rain gear, ponchos, and. raincoats. Something to cover wet bleachers is also advised. Umbrellas are permitted in Ohio Stadium, but their use during the ceremony is discouraged.
If weather is severe enough (heavy rain, thunderstorms, tornado watch/warning) to necessitate a delay in the start of the ceremony, instructions will be announced on site to graduates and guests. After delaying the ceremony for as much as one hour, if the forecast still indicates no change in the severity of the weather, cancellation of the ceremony will be announced, and diplomas will be distributed from other campus locations. Instructions will also appear in the commencement program.
If the ceremony is underway but is interrupted by sever weather, graduates and guests should follow instructions as annonced. It is advised that you prearrange a meeting place with your family and guests in case the ceremony is canceled. Graduates only will be admitted to the diploma distribution sites, which will be noted in the commencement program. St. John Arena and various locations on West Lane Avenue are suggested meeting sites.